Legacy Post. Second place contest prize for ~udamann, he wanted a pic of Crispin Whytehead in that gross close up style from Ren and Stimpy. I think I failed in the whole style of part but he still is pretty…
DP – Cloud Number 9
Legacy Post. Haha! I tried Butch Hartman’s DP style again! I’m not good at it, but I think this looks better then past attempts! It’s Sam and Danny, and they are on cloud nine! That means there happy! It’s a…
RP – I has a texture
Legacy Post. Yes, this picture has a lame photoshop filter over it! Look at it in HORROR! Anyway, this is a cheep rip off of that one Naruto pic where the team that went to find Sauske are sitting there……
MI – Ya Snooze Ya Lose
Legacy Post. I ship these two, sorry Elaine u___u; (please don’t kill me!)
MI – Morgan LeFlay
Legacy Post. New character in Monkey Island; Pirate hunter Morgan LeFlay. She’s a Guybrush fangirl XD~ And she’s voiced by Nikki Rapp who did Lili Zanotto’s voice in Psychonauts!
DP – Older Jazz
Legacy Post. My Jazz redesign again, this time in a style more like the show style. I personally like my style better but Jazz looks so cute like this <3~ She’s looking a bit more like her mom, I wasn’t…
RP – Nobody
Legacy Post. I didn’t seem to post a description with this one originally, opps.
RP-Dr H – Team Horrible
Legacy Post. Birthday present for ~darklegends, since she got the print of it in the mail today I can finally post it on dA
DP OC – Mimic
Legacy Post. After looking though my old pics of Mim’ I noticed I don’t have any real char info on her, so here’s what I up in my app about her; She’s a copy ghost (I came up with her…
PN – Back Where it Began
Legacy Post. Older Raz and Lili are now councilors at Whispering Rock. Time sure fly’s, doesn’t it?