Fosters – Groove

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Playing with the way I draw Frankie’s hair ^^

She’s listenin’ to music, I’m not gonna say it’s an iPod, it could be any kind of MP3 player you guys want it to be (Cuz I suck and use a PSP as a MP3 player ._.) It can also be whatever song you want too! Even heavy metal!

PN – Ugly Crispin

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Second place contest prize for ~udamann, he wanted a pic of Crispin Whytehead in that gross close up style from Ren and Stimpy. I think I failed in the whole style of part but he still is pretty gross. Do I get points for that?

DP – Cloud Number 9

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Haha! I tried Butch Hartman’s DP style again! I’m not good at it, but I think this looks better then past attempts!

It’s Sam and Danny, and they are on cloud nine! That means there happy! It’s a saying! People say it! See thats why I titled it that!

RP – I has a texture

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Yes, this picture has a lame photoshop filter over it! Look at it in HORROR!

Anyway, this is a cheep rip off of that one Naruto pic where the team that went to find Sauske are sitting there… Except Naruto and he’s all “Lawlz I salute at the sun!” but there is no one being Naruto here! Haha! We have Maggie’s first team from the RP weeee!