Fosters – Groove

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Playing with the way I draw Frankie’s hair ^^

She’s listenin’ to music, I’m not gonna say it’s an iPod, it could be any kind of MP3 player you guys want it to be (Cuz I suck and use a PSP as a MP3 player ._.) It can also be whatever song you want too! Even heavy metal!

PN – Ugly Crispin

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Second place contest prize for ~udamann, he wanted a pic of Crispin Whytehead in that gross close up style from Ren and Stimpy. I think I failed in the whole style of part but he still is pretty gross. Do I get points for that?

DP – Cloud Number 9

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Haha! I tried Butch Hartman’s DP style again! I’m not good at it, but I think this looks better then past attempts!

It’s Sam and Danny, and they are on cloud nine! That means there happy! It’s a saying! People say it! See thats why I titled it that!

RP – I has a texture

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Yes, this picture has a lame photoshop filter over it! Look at it in HORROR!

Anyway, this is a cheep rip off of that one Naruto pic where the team that went to find Sauske are sitting there… Except Naruto and he’s all “Lawlz I salute at the sun!” but there is no one being Naruto here! Haha! We have Maggie’s first team from the RP weeee!

DP – Older Jazz

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My Jazz redesign again, this time in a style more like the show style.

I personally like my style better but Jazz looks so cute like this <3~

She’s looking a bit more like her mom, I wasn’t going for that, but I like it X3~

DP OC – Mimic

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After looking though my old pics of Mim’ I noticed I don’t have any real char info on her, so here’s what I up in my app about her;

She’s a copy ghost (I came up with her before Amorpho came on the scene) and can morph into any ghost or human form. Her partner in crime is her crow Falsetto (AKA “Fall”) who changes sound waves so they sound like something else, he’s trained to change Mimic’s voice to whatever she’s copying.

Mimic isn’t an evil ghost but she powers make her abilities are something villains like to take advantage of. She owns a shelter for crows in the Ghost Zone, and loves -every little one-, so it’s pretty easy to threaten them to get her to do whatever you want.

Mim’ has a bad nervous tick that is her copying powers downfall. She can get OOC of whomever she’s copying if nervous about an activity, but she tries her best (especially if her birdies are at risk!)